


Newcastle Vs. Bournemouth Hospitality 17th February 2024 A huge congratulations to your child on winning the attendance competition. They should meet Miss Rice and Mr Catherall at the front of Studio West School at 11:15am on Saturday 17th February 2024. They must bring the completed consent form in order to attend the event. We will...
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We would like to offer all year 11 students the opportunity to take part in work experience upon completion of their GCSE exams. This is an opportunity for your child to develop their key transferable skills and experience life in a real work environment. Read the full letter here.
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Newcastle City Council and partners have created a new careers event, My future: My choice, to support the young people of Newcastle to make informed vocational choices. All Year 10 students have been invited to attend. Read the full letter here.
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All year 10 students will take part in work experience this academic year for one week, which will commence on Monday 13th May 2024. This is an opportunity for your child to develop their key transferable skills and experience life in a real work environment. Read the full letter here.
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All year 9 students will take part in work experience this academic year for one week, which will commence on Monday 10th June 2024. This is an opportunity for your child to develop their key transferable skills and experience life in a real work environment. Read the full letter here.
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We are thrilled to let you know that we have secured enough tickets for a Pantomime visit for your child. Students have worked really hard this term, and as an additional reward, we would like to take them to this event. Read the full letter here.
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I am delighted to inform you that as part of the PE curriculum next half term your child is able to take part within school swimming lessons. Swimming is a valued life skill, and I am excited that your child will be able to have this opportunity through their school PE lessons. Read the full...
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We know you will agree that punctuality is important to support student’s success in school. From Tuesday, 5th December 2023, any Year 7 student who is late to school will receive a 30-minute after school detention the following day. Read the full letter here.
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Your child has been selected for the opportunity to work with our partner RGS on an exciting STEM project. Below is an introduction and brief outline of the project. If you have any further queries, please do get in touch. Read the full letter here.
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The following items are expected to be brought into school with students on PE timetabled days in a rucksack/school bag of their choice. Students will then change on site in the school changing rooms at the PE department, ready for their PE lesson. Read the full letter here.
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