Jane Taylor


I hope this letter finds you well. I am sure you are in support of all lessons being conducive to learning and we do not want any disruption in class. With this in mind, we are fine tuning our behaviour system and I need to inform you of some changes. Read the full letter here
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As we approach the final few weeks of Autumn Term, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and inform you of the arrangements for the end of term. Read the full letter here
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I am delighted to inform you that your child has been selected, due to good attendance, to take part in a school trip to Edinburgh Zoo on Friday, 25 November 2022. This is an educational trip where there will be a talk from the zoo keepers as well as ample time to enjoy what the...
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It has been a very focussed half term and much has been achieved. We have been working hard, making sure we minimise any damage to learning, that time off due to Covid, has potentially caused. Read the full letter here
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It has been a very focussed half term and much has been achieved. We have been working hard, making sure we minimise any damage to learning, that time off due to Covid, has potentially caused. Read the full letter here
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I am writing to ask you whether you are willing and able to support the school by becoming a Parent Governor. This is an important and interesting role which helps Studio West to improve and develop, so I hope you will give it serious thought. On this occasion we are specifically looking for someone who...
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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II | 1926 – 2022 The Chief Executive of Northern Leaders Trust said: “Northern Leaders Trust mourns, along with the nation and the wider Commonwealth, the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen has been a pillar of strength and continuity throughout her long reign. Her leadership as Monarch has...
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I hope you have had a good Easter and I look forward to the start of a new term. I would like to take the opportunity to revisit the uniform and equipment expectations. The uniform expectations have not changed since September, however there are a number of students who are not dressing correctly. Read the...
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With only a few weeks to go before the exams begin, the Easter break is an essential time for students to take advantage of the opportunities available to them. Read the full letter here
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This is a general letter to all parents and does not necessarily imply your child is involved. We have had several disturbing incidents where students are disrespecting staff; some are using foul language and swearing both at, and in the presence of staff. In addition we are seeing refusal to follow instructions and defiance. Read...
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