Jane Taylor


Today saw the launch of our partnership with Magic Breakfast which provides healthy breakfasts to our pupils so that they are settled and ready to learn every day. Magic Breakfast provides Studio West pupils with nutritious breakfast food to ensure they can start their school day in the best possible way. Breakfast gives children the...
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Newcastle City Council and partners have created a new careers event, My future: My choice, to support the young people of Newcastle to make informed vocational choices. All Year 10 students have been invited to attend. Read the full letter here.
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We are writing to let you know that your child has been selected to take part in The Scholars Programme. This is an academic programme run by The Brilliant Club, and we hope your child enjoys the opportunity! Read the full letter here.
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The following items are expected to be brought into school with students on PE timetabled days in a rucksack/school bag of their choice. Students will then change on site in the school changing rooms at the PE department, ready for their PE lesson. Read the full letter here.
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Newcastle Vs. Bournemouth Hospitality 17th February 2024 A huge congratulations to your child on winning the attendance competition. They should meet Miss Rice and Mr Catherall at the front of Studio West School at 11:15am on Saturday 17th February 2024. They must bring the completed consent form in order to attend the event. We will...
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At the end of another exciting half term for Studio West I wanted to write to you to celebrate some of the fantastic progress our students are making and what we have been doing to enrich their school experience. There are also some information points to share about upcoming events, raising the bar on standards...
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To attend revision sessions over February half-term students can just turn up (non-uniform). Students must sign-in at reception. Students will only be admitted 9.45-10am (or 12pm for the Tuesday Geography session). Anyone who arrives late will not be admitted. Once in school, usual standards of behaviour are expected. Any student disrupting will be asked to...
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We would like to offer all year 11 students the opportunity to take part in work experience upon completion of their GCSE exams. This is an opportunity for your child to develop their key transferable skills and experience life in a real work environment. Read the full letter here.
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For full details about our after school clubs offer for Spring/Summer 2024, please click here.
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As we embark on the new year, we are thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity for our students to be rewarded for their dedication and commitment to attending school regularly. Between January 15th and February 16th, we will be running a special attendance initiative. If your child achieves 100% attendance during this period, they will...
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