Keeping our young people safe


We ensure that safeguarding is a key priority in and integral to all aspects of school life.

Northern Leaders Trust takes safeguarding very seriously. Studio West ensures that safeguarding is a key priority in all aspect of school life and that it is a key part of our curriculum content. Safeguarding is the responsibility of each member of our team and is integral to every aspect of school life.

Please see below for our child protection and safeguarding policies.

Safeguarding and Child Protection 

Online Safety Policy

Reporting a concern when school is open

If you have any concerns about issues such as bullying, sexual harassment or a more general worry about the welfare of a child please let us know and we can help.

Students and parents can report a concern to safeguarding staff by emailing: [email protected]

Parents can also call the school reception.

Students can talk to a trusted adult at school eg Year Leader, Form Tutor, lunchtime duty staff, or talk to a trusted adult at home eg parent or close relative.

Who’s who
  • Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Laura Bell 
  • Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Andre Bouleau
  • Studio West’s Safeguarding Governor is Helen Elderkin.
Support when school is closed

If you need support on an evening, weekend or during a school holiday because you are concerned about the welfare of a child or need some help, here are some useful contact numbers:

Children’s social services:

  • Daytime – 0191 2772500
  • Out of hours – 0191 2787878
  • Crisis team – 0191 814 8899 or 0800 6522863 ( Freephone)

NSPCC helpline – 0800 136663

Childline – 0800 111

Anxiety support:

Kooth –

Headspace –

Stonewall – (LGBTQIA+)

Mind –

Barnardos –

Healthier Together North East and North Cumbria Initiative –


Find out more

If you still have questions about where to get help if you have a safeguarding concern, we have a host of safeguarding resources which you can explore by clicking here.

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