Ensuring all pupils have the opportunity to succeed

Pupil Premium

Narrowing the gap in attainment for our disadvantaged pupils.

Pupil Premium

We are delighted that our focus on high quality teaching for our students, alongside carefully targeted interventions and a focus on improved attendance, has led to a significant increase in the proportion of students eligible for the Pupil Premium who achieved either Grade 5 or Grade 4 in both English and maths in 2024. Our Pupil Premium Action Plan (link below) is undergoing its annual review and will be updated by 31st December. 

Since 2011 the government has provided all schools with additional funding called ‘Pupil Premium’ to help close the gaps in academic results and progress over time, between those who are identified as having disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers. The ‘disadvantaged’ definition includes children in receipt of free school meals in the last six years, ‘looked after children’, adopted children and children whose parents are in the Armed Forces.

There is a significant national gap between the progress, attendance and behaviour of those pupils considered to be disadvantaged and their non-disadvantaged peers.

The school has a detailed Pupil Premium Action Plan which is monitored by the Senior Leadership Team and the Governing Body on a termly basis.  Our link Governor for Pupil Premium is Helen Elderkin.

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